Hello, my name is
Igor Augusto Brandão

About me

Hey there! My name is Igor Brandão, I'm 27 years old and I've graduated from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) with a bachelor degree in Information Technology.

I like dealing with I.T and technology in general, travelling, playing sports, making network and having new experiences. I consider important living each moment of our lives intensely and I seek it every day through self-development.

My professional goals are directed towards to develop tech projects in Brazil and overseas, entrepreneurship, research and work with new technologies.

Personally, I seek to constantly improvement, partnerships and business opportunities.

Igor Brandão

Services I offer

If your project needs to be accessed in various regions of the country and/or the world and be available anywhere just having Internet access, then the options below are for you:

Static website

This option is ideal for those who need simple pages for content presentation and little need for changes. In general they do not count on great programming resources.


Great choice for blogs and businesses that demand frequent change of content. This technology offers an administrative panel where the user can edit the content of the site.

On-demand software

If your business needs a specific system, I carry out a more in-depth study to raise the necessary requirements so that the solution developed meets your need.


Mobile apps

Nowadays the use of applications has become a daily habit and for your business should be the same. Have control of your business in the palm of your hands.

I.T consulting

Got an issue with your system? Or are you in doubt about which tool/technology to adopt for your business? Count on me to advise you and help with your needs.

Web hosting

In addition to the development, I offer hosting service for your project. This service includes: support for the system to stay online, domain acquisition and unlimited email accounts.


Software customization

A very interesting option for projects that need to be delivered quickly is the customization of open source softwares/scripts.

Business card

Basic and indispensable item for any business. Build your business/personal image with a business card customised for your need.

My work

The projects are grouped by categories, click the category name to filter the projects to be displayed:

  • All
  • Pesquisa
  • Customização
  • Aplicativo
  • Sistema sob demanda
  • Wordpress
  • Website estático
  • Cartão de visitas
  • Hospedagem
Igor Brandão desenvolve projeto Med Energia para 4engenharia

Med Energia

Tenha o controle sobre sua geração de energia.

Igor Brandão - Extração de dados


O ACTFramework é um framework que oferece suporte a múltiplas instâncias de sistemas extratores de dados da base do governo dados.gov

Igor Brandão - Cartão de visitas frente

Cartão de visitas Igor Brandão

Cartão de visitas para apresentação pessoal de Igor Brandão.

Igor Brandão - Cartão de visitas Adiel frente

Cartão de visitas Adiel Souto

Cartão de visitas para apresentação profissional do professor de Inglês para Negócios Adiel Souto.

Igor Brandão - Runkeeper

Py Exercise Dashboard

Python Notebook para realizar a extração de dados da API Health Graph do Runkeeper. Inclui geração de gráficos de eficiência, dashboard com informações gerais sobre seus treinos e compartivo com seus amigos.

Igor Brandão - Gerenciador de memória

Gerenciador de Memória Gremlins

O Gremlins é um gerenciador de memória (GM) desenvolvido em C++.

Igor Brandão - 4 Engenharia

4 Engenharia

Igor Brandão - SIPTec Finance Login

SIPTec Finance

Dimensionador de sistema solar

Igor Brandão - Site Movetti

Site Movetti

Site de apresentação da empresa Movetti Escritórios e Ambientes

Igor Brandão - Site Cargas Brandão

Site Cargas Brandão

Site da empresa Cargas Brandão

Igor Brandão - Cartão Cargas Brandão

Cartão de visitas Cargas Brandão

Cartão de visitas para apresentação empresarial da Cargas Brandão.

Igor Brandão - Site Oceânica

Site Ong Oceânica

A OCEÂNICA é uma organização não governamental que há de 15 anos trabalha em prol da conservação de ambientes e espécies marinhas na costa do RN.

Igor Brandão - PVSocial Login


Serviço de manutenção e hospedagem para a PVSocial

Igor Brandão - marques_oliveira

Grupo Marques Oliveira

Site para o grupo Marques Oliveira

Igor Brandão - jjornalismo


Site para a Jjornalismo

Igor Brandão - projetar_engenharia

Projetar Engenharia

Site para a Projetar Engenharia

Need an IT solution ?

My work in numbers

Throughout my professional journey I have developed several projects and accumulated a lot of experience in the I.T area. Here are some numbers about this trajectory:


Completed projects


Programming languages


I.T awards


Years of experience

Keep in touch with me

For me, developing solutions that meet the needs of people gives me a great satisfaction.

+55 (84) 99943-1545

Capitão Mor Gouveia Avenue
Lagoa Nova, Natal - RN, 59078-970
Instituto Metrópole Digital

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